The tropical lifestyle resort experience will helpnew fitness enthusiasts become their sexiest version, making it the it-place for fitness lovers in South Beach.
Discover the
Sexiest gym
in Miami

the place to
show yourself
If you can’t show your progress, what’s even the point? Our space is designed to offer a variety of selfie spots.
Plus, our beautiful architecture will make for the perfect background to all of your post-workout thirst traps!
a content
creator´s paradise
Our beautiful gym attracts all kinds of content creators and influencers. So not only your IG feed will look better than ever, but you can meet and connect with people just like you!
Best Gym vibes ever!
Here are three reasons why Gymage is the best place for fitness lovers who want to get the best out of their gym:
– We have state of the art equipment that makes everyone’s session smoother.
– Everyone at Gymage has their goal set, so no one is staying ‘for too long’ at any given machine
-Our staff is here to help you be the best version of yourself! Ask for advice or even a private session